Know Who You Are In Christ:
Know you are loved, worthy, cherished, blessed and wonderfully made. God desires for us are to be part of His family, to be His beloved daughters. I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well. (Psalms 139:14).
God loves you and wants to bless you and be everything for you. He sees you with all your faults and sins and still invites you to meet with Him through Jesus. He loves you unconditionally and wants to share your life with you by listening and talking with you. Stop trying to look on the outside but look inward at the beauty that He created within you, for He lives in you. If you are unsure about your identity you’re going to try to fit in and be something you’re not rather then what God made you to be. When you put your identity into the things of this world you become something you’re not causing you to hide behind masks of insecurities rather than walking in the confidence of your true identity, as a child of God. Remember the enemy wants to steal your true identity bringing destruction upon you and ultimately killing you. God wants to build a loving relationship with you. He has a special place in His heart just for you. He wants to call you His daughter
I will be a Father to you, and you shall be my daughters, says the Lord almighty.”(2 Corinthians 6:18)
Learn to walk in the confidence that you are a daughter of the Lord Almighty. Are you ready to receive His love and allow the Lord to transform your heart and mind as you grow in the Truth of who you are in Christ? “
It’s not what the world says about you it’s who you are in Christ that’s most important. The enemy as we know is a liar and will try to steal your self esteem and confidence filling your mind with negative thoughts about yourself. Insecurity is a source of pride, which makes us think too much about ourselves. Changing those negative thoughts of I am not thin enough, pretty enough, smart enough to the positive I am loved, I am blessed, and I am a child of God will
Don’t compare your insides with someone’s shinny outsides. You never know truly how they feel. Instead turn to God and Draw near to Him. Then you will learn to love who you are and not who the world says you should be for your identity is not in this world but in Him. God makes no mistakes. You are beautiful!!! He who is in you is greater than He that is in the world (1 John 4:4).
How do you think God see’s you?
What identifies you?
What lies has the enemy stolen from you to cause you to be insecure?
How does it make you feel knowing God said He will be your Father?
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Daily Devotional
My child, know that every path way has steps. Look for me in your path and I will direct your… Read more…
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