Are you allowing your true self to shine? Or are you just being, doing, and going all the time? Are you exhausted and drained from the juggle of life?
Do you desire to stop and find peace and balance from the chaos of the world? I know I do, and it takes work! I mean work! It’s not easy to focus on the juggling of life and make room for what’s important for our souls.
For me, my soul finds rest when I read or when I’m still in the presence of God, allowing my mind to be quiet and hear his still voice in prayer, meditation, working out, worshiping, or just taking a nap. Amen–I love a good nap.
What does your soul need today? Are are you finding time in your juggle to stop and be still, filling your soul with what it needs? Whatever that might be for you, start today and give your soul the rest it needs. You deserve it!
At times I feel I have to be doing something, and I hate that feeling. I have to give my self permission to stop, relax, and breathe. It has to be intentional, or I lose out on what my soul needs to grow. When you’re being still, you’re doing the most important something there is–you’re allowing your soul to grow and mature to be more like Christ. What I mean by that is when I’m sitting in my house with no agenda, no to-do list, and curling up with a good book or just sitting quietly, I am growing and allowing my spirit the rest it needs.
There was time when I lost my job and fell into a depression. I couldn’t get out of bed. All I wanted to do was sleep. It was an effort to even shower. At times it was hard to be still, for I had to feel the pain, heartache, and disappointments. It was not my greatest moment, but it was God’s! In those moments of tears, depression, and hopelessness, God came in and loved me when I couldn’t love myself. God wiped my tears away. It was comforting when I look back now, and I’m thankful that God gave me that year of darkness, for I grew tremendously.
If you’re in your pit and feel you can’t get out, you’re crying out for the Lord to rescue you, you feel all alone with nowhere to turn, know He’s there. Know He’s carrying you on the days you can’t carry yourself. He knows every tear you cry, for He catches every tear that is shed…Psalm 56:8.
Start taking back your time and not letting the enemy keep you distracted by the chaos of the world. Today, find rest and peace in the Lord.
Truly my soul finds rest in God alone. My salvation comes from Him. Psalms 62:1 NIV
You will keep in perfect peace those whose mind is stayed on you, because they trust in you. Isaiah 26:3 NIV
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My child, know that every path way has steps. Look for me in your path and I will direct your… Read more…
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