Dear Lord,
As I was reading tonight in Beth Moore’s Whispers of Hope, she talked about the longing to be in heaven and walk side by side with you, holding your hand. I can picture myself skipping along with you, Jesus, as I hold your big strong hand. And then you embrace me, giving me a sense of security, peace, love, comfort, and belonging. I yearn, Lord, for your belonging!
Do you long to feel the belonging and closeness with Christ?
Why do I have this missing peace?
Do others have this longing, this desire?
The need to be in His presence always?
I know that I am not of this world, and that my soul thirsts for Him every day. The only way to fill my longing is to find time to be in His presence. To not let the distractions of this world pull me away from what is most important–spending time with my Daddy. Yet I let everything else become a priority when God should be my first priority.
If a friend called to meet for coffee, I would be there. I am there when my kids have a soccer game or a school event. I am present when my husband and I try to have a date night. I spend hours on Facebook wasting precious time when I could be sitting in God’s presence.
I am finding that nothing on this earth–no material possession, no person, no job, no house–nothing but you, Lord, can fill this longing. It is you I need every day! It is only you that can fill this void. My heart bursts for your love, Jesus! It is only you who will bring me true peace, joy, and contentment in a world where there is fear, pain, and confusion.
Belonging–that is what we all seek. I want to feel that belonging with you, oh Lord. Wrap me in your loving arms, Lord, as I snuggle in to Belong!
My longing for heaven is actually my longing for Christ. I want Christ so intensely I can hardly bear it, but I realize at times that I want Him here, near the things I love. Then the greater reality hits: He wants you there, near the things He loves. In heaven, we will exchange longing for belonging.
-Beth Moore
From God:
My children, you are so precious to me. You do belong to me. Know that I too love when you snuggle in my lap. Know that what you are feeling is what I am doing through you to bring others to me. You are strong, courageous, and full of love. I want the whole world to climb in my lap and snuggle in.
John 14:2 In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
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My child, know that every path way has steps. Look for me in your path and I will direct your… Read more…
Hellen Says :
This has really talked my heart. Thanks for sharing Jill. Stay Blessed
Jill Says :
Thank you Hellen I love to hear that! God is good and for there’s no better place then in his presence.
BobbuBrowne Says :
Hello! Cool post, amazing!!!
Jill Says :
glad you were blessed