Butterfly Letters

Be In Action: 2016

As I was praying this morning and thinking about the New Year to come and what changes I want to make in my own life, this was revealed to me:

Take Action!

Be in Action!

When in Action, our soul thrives, doors open, and paths become revealed!

Maybe you’re struggling to take action or struggling with the decision of what path to take. Do you go back to school? Is that the right job for you? Are you trying to lose weight? Restore a marriage or friendship? Whatever it might be, the only way we will know is if we TAKE ACTION. When we start to move in a direction, it helps us to see what path God has for us.

It’s going to take discipline on your part, so don’t wait for someone else to point you in a direction. Look to God! He will give you the strength you need to fulfill what’s in your head and follow His will.  Listen to your inner voice, for that is God leading the way! You are not alone, for He is always with you if you would just take the time to listen and follow.




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