Storms can be a cleansing time; it’s just a matter of finding the strength to walk through! Sometimes we’re excited. Sometimes we’re overwhelmed. Sometimes we’re at our bottom, and sometimes we’re in shock of what just happened as our lives […]
Tonight I was walking into the grocery store after a long day of volunteering at my son’s school, which I love to do. I started to think about how we are all so overcommitted, overworked, overtired and, for some, just […]
Dear Lord, I thank you for loving me thorough it all. Even when I have disappointed you in my sinful ways, you nurtured me and loved me back to righteousness. You never let me stumble too far, for you were […]
Have you ever been afraid to take a step, to leap into a new adventure? Maybe it’s a new job. Maybe you feel alone, are recently divorced, or are confused, and you’re asking God what His will is for you […]
I have learned to not focus on what’s happening to me and my circumstance, but to see and focus on what God is doing in me! It took a long time for me to not focus on my circumstances, but […]
Prayer-less lives are Powerless lives, while Prayer-full lives are Powerful lives! God so desires to hear our prayers, to be in conversation with us, and to help us. He wants us to give Him thanks and have faith in Him. […]
The New Year is upon us, and as I close out 2015 and look to embrace the future ahead in 2016, I leave behind and let go: I let go of comparing myself and my life to others. I embrace […]
Are you stuck in a rut? Trying to figure things out? I have been there, and all it did was rob me of my joy and peace! Trying to figure out God’s plan and His will is no business of […]
As I was praying this morning and thinking about the New Year to come and what changes I want to make in my own life, this was revealed to me: Take Action! Be in Action! When in Action, our soul […]
Are you standing Strong or being blown over? I know in my life, I am only blown over when my priorities are in the world and not on God. When I don’t make time in the morning or at night […]